måndag 23 december 2013

3rd European Congress on Odonatology (ECOO 2014)

"Mörk smaragdflickslända" är en av arterna fransmännen lockar med 2014.
Under 2010 och 2012 avhölls den första respektive den andra europeiska trollsländekonferensen under namnet ECOO. Det har förstås varit fler än så tidigare, men nu är tanken att det ska vara ett mer varaktigt och hållbart utbyte. Första informationen om nästa ECOO har nu kommit, vi klipper in det nedan så kan ni själva ta del av det. 

First announcement
Dear Colleagues and Odonatists,
The French Society of Odonatology (SFO) and the Office for the Insects and their Environnement (Opie) are pleased to announce that the 3rd European Congress on Odonatology (ECOO 2014) will be held in Montpellier, Southern France, on 7-10 July.

"Prakttrollslända" är en annan art vi är utlovade.
Lectures and posters will deal preferably with the Odonata from the Western Palearctic, on various subjects: we already propose sessions on faunistic & biodiversity, ecology & life histories, ethology, conservation & management, phylogeny, taxonomy, odonomics… some more sessions could be proposed if they receive 3 proposals of lecture at least. We will soon be able to provide you with a Registration form and an Abstract form. We invite you to fill them in as soon as possible in order to make easier the organisation of the congress.

During ECOO 2014, you will appreciate to share not only the latest knowledge on European dragonfly fauna but also an Odonatological book fair and a Photographic exhibition. Further, you will experiment a “Breaking ice party”, two afternoon field excursions in the direct vicinity of Montpellier and a Congress diner. From 11 July, a Post congress tour will be organised throughout the entire French Mediterranean.

Thanks to sponsors and to the grant of previous ECOO which were held in Porto and Belgrade, we manage to offer the possibility to few people to join us at lower costs. To benefit of a grant, one participant must give a lecture.
We will soon make a second announcement with further details.

The French team looks forward to see you again and to welcome all new participants.

For any questions please send an email at: ecoo2014@libellules.org.

Vi har skrivit om ECOO tidigare, se exempelvis


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